Do I need a New Headshot?

If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, I’m here to help with 5 signs that you need to update the image you use for your online presence!

  1. If your current image is more than 2-3 years old, it’s time to update! Of course, we all change as time goes by and you want your profile to showcase your current look! Toss out your headshot from 10 years ago and pop back in front of the camera!

  2. The cropped photo. If your current image is a group photo that has clearly been cropped down to show off only your face, it’s a sure sign that it’s time for something new. I know that you may have been all dressed up as a friend’s wedding, but it’s easy to spot a poorly cropped photo and it’s time to let a solo photo of you in a professional capacity shine.

  3. These days there are lots of tips for taking a good “selfie”, but the headshot you want to be using for your online presence should not be taken with a stretched out arm or very high angle. Pass the responsibility over to a pro, and you’ll be in great hands for quality images.

4. If you’ve made a career or industry change and want your image to reflect your current path, it’s a great idea to update your portraits! It’s possible that the new opportunities call for a more professional look, or perhaps you’re venturing out with your own business or side hustle and you’d like to create some relevant imagery for your target clientele. A headshot is a perfect start, or perhaps a full Branding Session might be up your alley instead!

5. Last but not least, it may seem obvious but if you’ve never had a professional headshot taken before - this is your sign. Book the session, have a great time in front of the lens and update your online presence with brand new photos that will make you stand out and feel confident.

If you found yourself falling into any of the above categories, I’d love to help you out! Reach out to find out if a classic headshot or branding session can help level up that online presence!